Topic: Building body parts: Lessons learned from simple
critters Deborah Andrew’s research has focused on Drosophila
developmental genetics since 1979, when she began her Master’s
thesis. Since that time, Andrew’s lab (either she or someone
in her group) has done almost every manipulation reported for this
organism, ranging from imaginal disc transplantation to creating
targeted gene knockouts by homologous recombination and ...
Topic: Using active learning strategies to synergize your science
teaching and research David Julian is a comparative, ecological
physiologist with an interest in the cellular responses and adaptations
of animals to environmental stressors. To an ecological physiologist, a
stressor is any environmental condition that threatens an organism’s
survival by pushing it outside its normal homeostatic ...
Topic: Precise destruction: how axon degeneration shapes the
development of neuronal circuits in vivo Dr. Poulain is originally
from France and obtained her PhD from the University Paris 6-Pierre et
Marie Curie, studying the roles of microtubule-regulating
proteins stathmins in neuronal morphogenesis. She became convinced that
observing axon growth directly in the embryo in vivo ...